Community Cats
“Community cats” are the free-roaming cats in any community.

This is not meant as a slam on Montenegrins. There are many responsible and caring pet owners in the country. In the US, Great Britain and other countries, owners also abandon their pets in large numbers, but they do so at a “shelter.” The lucky animals are adopted into new homes; shelter staff euthanizes many; the really unlucky ones live in cages for the rest of their lives.
Montenegrins don’t have the luxury of taking their animals to open shelters, so they leave them somewhere outside instead.

* Feral cats are those who are not acclimated to human company or contact. Some people consider them “wild,” but unsocialized and frightened is more accurate. Sometimes they are several generations removed from human contact; others are simply lost pets who have withdrawn their trust from humans. Regardless of their behavior or the number of generations removed from human contact, these cats are not genetically different from domestic house cats.