Legal Status and Documents
Kotor Kitties
Kotor Kitties is a registered non-profit in the United States, under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Tax Code. (ID 83-3861675). The IRS determination letter is available here.
Kotor Kitties is incorporated in Washington State as a non-profit corporation. Here are our official certificate, and Articles of Incorporation.
Our annual financial reports to the IRS (Forms 990 EZ and 990 N) are shown here: 2020, 2021.
Kotor Kitties UK
Kotor Kitties is a Registered Charity (1189591) and registered in England and Wales.
See our official certificate here and our official listing here.
The UK reports for all past years are here.
Kotorske Mačke
Kotor Kitties is now registered as a non-governmental organization (NVO) in Montenegro! Our legal name is Kotorske Mačke, but we call it Kotor Kitties. Our official registration document is here and information for donations directly to the bank is here.
The annual financial report for 2022 is here.