Mickey: A Tripod Kitten had Kotor Tourists Worried

Sometimes we receive alarming reports from tourists about a sick or injured cat, and when we investigate we discover the cat has already been to the vet and is being cared for under the watchful eye of a local caretaker.
This turned out to be the case when the first tourist reported seeing a kitten with a leg problem in Stari Grad, Kotor. That was September 2018.
A volunteer tracked down the kitten and we learned the little guy had the vet’s OK to spend its days snuggling with tourists in the little square near Danijela Knezevic’s gift shop, Kotor’s Cats Shop. At night Danijela herself made sure he was safe. Hoping to avoid amputation, they were taking a “wait and see” approach − a long shot that would do no harm − to see if the kitten could recover use of the leg.
When the third tourist report came, in early November, everyone concerned had to admit that it was time for surgery. His care, along with many spays and neuters, was funded by a lovely tourist from Scotland.
The kitten was 4-5 months old by that point.
Danijela took the tripod kitten home to her flat to recuperate after the surgery. He settled in easily with her older kitties, and she soon realized that “Mickey” held a special place in her heart and was in his forever home with her. He continues to be a charming rascal who brings her great joy, and isn’t toooo annoying to the other kitties in residence.