Quick Quiz on Cat Multiplication 

(Answers given below)

  1. A cat can’t become pregnant while she is nursing her kittens.
    1. True
    2. False 
  2. At what age can kittens become sexually mature and start breeding?
    1. 4 months
    2. 8 months
    3. 1 year
  3. If a female cat does not mate while she is in heat, she will go into heat again within 1-3 weeks.
    1. True
    2. False
  4. On average, how many litters will a female cat have in a year?
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. seems like a million
  5. Cats will become fat and lazy once they’re spayed or neutered.
    1. True
    2. False
  6. Why do male cats spray urine?
    1. dirty animals
    2. attract females
    3. mark territory
    4. hormones
  7. A female cat should have at least one litter of kittens before she is spayed.
    1. True
    2. False
  8. Neutering a cat will help protect them from deadly diseases.
    1. True
    2. False
  9. How many days should a cat normally be kept quiet after a routine sterilization surgery?
    1. 7-10
    2. 5-6
    3. 1-2
  10. A cat will not mate with their parent or sibling.
    1. True
    2. False

Answers to Feline Reproduction Quiz

  1.  b. False (they can go into heat again within days after giving birth, although most don’t for several weeks after birth)
  2. a. 4 months
  3. a. True (and again, and again, and again!)
  4. 1.5
  5. b. False (overweight cats are fed too much and given too little opportunity to hunt, pounce, chase, and zoooooom!) 
  6. c. mark territory, and d. hormonal
  7. b. False (there are no health or psychological benefits to allowing a cat to breed, and there are not enough homes for the kittens who could be prevented)
  8. a. True (various hormone-related cancers in both genders, and diseases such as FIV, FIP, and Felv which are spread through bite wounds when mating or fighting for mates and for territory)
  9. c. 1-2
  10. b. False (many problems are caused by inbreeding with family members)