Taking a pet to Russia
Since Russians constitute the main tourist flow, we also present the basic rules for transporting animals to Russia.
In accordance with Aeroflot’s animal transport rules, from September 15, 2020 a passenger can carry only one container with only one animal. The exception is kittens or puppies in the amount of no more than 3 over the age of 8 weeks, but not over 6 months, which can be transported in the passenger cabin, provided that the weight of the animals together with the container does not exceed 8 kg.
The dimensions of a rigid container in length, width and height should not exceed 44 ×30×26 cm. The size of a closed carry-on bag for transportation in the passenger compartment in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 126 cm.
You should notify the airline prior to your flight that you will be traveling with your pet. Before departure, at the airport in Montenegro, you will need to pay for the transportation of an animal. The tariff is EUR 50 per container, regardless of the number of animals in it.vionsku kompaniju da ćete putovati sa svojim ljubimcem. Prije polaska, na aerodromu u Crnoj Gori, moraćete platiti prevoz životinje. Tarifa iznosi 50 eura po kontejneru, bez obzira na broj životinja u njemu.
Montenegro Airlines closed permanently in December 2020. We have no further information on its routes.
Please note that if planning to take an animal with you from Montenegro, you need to obtain an international certificate of vaccination from a local veterinarian, vaccinate against rabies, and microchip the animal. Based on our experience in transporting animals from Montenegro to Russia, this is usually sufficient. In any case, we recommend that you contact the local veterinarian as soon as you decide to take the cat with you to Russia.