TNR Basics

Trap-Neuter-Return Basics
1. Let people in the area, particularly feeders or caregivers, know in advance when you will trap the cats and when they will be returned.
2. The traps used are humane and non-traumatic. They are safe for both animals and people.
3. The animal should not be fed the meal before you plan to catch it. You want the cat to be very hungry so that it will go into the trap to eat. (Food is used as bait in the trap).
It is also best for the cat to have an empty stomach for the surgery. Please let the vet know if you were not able to prevent the cat from eating a meal.
4. When the cat is caught, immediately cover the trap with a cloth to reduce stress. Also be sure to put a waterproof cover in your car or on your floor before you set the trap down.
5. The spay or neuter operation is performed by trained vets using modern techniques and self-absorbing sutures; the scar is small.
6. During the operation, a small part of an ear is cut off the cat to show that it has been sterilized (ear tip). It does not bother the animal or affect the normal use of the ear.
7. There is seldom a need to use special protective equipment (no abdominal bandage or veterinary collar) after the operation. The animal usually does not lick the stitches unless it is caged for a long period and grows bored.
8. After surgery, the outdoor animal should be kept in a trap in a warm, calm place for 24 hours, with access to food and water. Within 24 hours, the animal is usually restored.
9. The animal must be returned to the same place where it was caught.
10. It is considered good practice to observe the animal, if possible, for 5-7 days after the operation.
Please see our Resources page for more detailed information on how to Trap-Neuter-Return cats, including the Neighborhood Cats TNR Handbook, which they have graciously allowed us to share.